செல்விருந்து ஓம்பி வருவிருந்து பார்த்திருப்பான், நல்விருந்து வானத் தவர்க்கு.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Dengue Astrological Perception
Dengue Astrological Perception
This video is explain about the dengue fever especially in Tamil Nadu. There are the number of people are affected by the dengue fever. Government has taken serious steps against this though it is not controlled yet. This video explain about this tragedy through vedic astrology. Dengue fever is not affected in Tamil Nadu only but it has affected throughout the world especially in the tropical zone. This disease was originated from Southeast Asia and spread through drinking water it is the major problem that we could not control the casualties. Especially in astrology saturn have place in Scorpio this where is the Scorpio Rashi is water sign. For the last 3 years saturn in the same place but the dengue was not spread past 3 years. When the saturn is aspected by Mars from Leo the dengue fever is treated in vedic astrology whenever the saturn and Mars conjunction will be takes place there may be a first chance for natural disaster this year's explain in this video very clearly.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Dhasa period of 120 Years in Astrology
How to built Astrology calculations by our Indian ancient astronomers ? When we read about the calculations we wondering about their intelligence , one more proof in this video about the power of vedic astrology.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Friday, September 23, 2016
Solar System in Astrology
Science is invented so many things in all branches including astronomy now a days. All the invention which developed by science is basically came from our ancient culture and civilization. Science has given a new name for all the oldest inventions. We can easily come the conclusion if we study our ancient art !!
This video has explain a little bit about our solar system through the vision of vedic astrology !
Thiruchitrambalam !!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Mass Conjuction of Planets!!
Planet placed in horoscope with out any conjunction is very rare , generally they have connected with one anther either in aspect or conjunction . Positive planets may give the negative effect and negative planet may give the positive effect due to the conjunction , apart from that these conjunction gives so may " Yogam " in astro world. Negative things are focused in the horoscope if the planets conjunction is there. Vast level of negative things are focused if the number of planets together in one house. This video is going to explain about what type of interpretation can make in this scenario.